Armadillo Encounter Highlights
A Real Hands-on Encounter Where You’ll Get To Learn Al About The Vital Role These Distinctive Creatures Play Within Our Planet’s Eco-system. Have Your Camera Ready To Capture Unique Moments At This Magical Meeting.

Meet Our Awesome Creatures!
Visit our creatures, including the nocturnal ones, in the unique habitat of our tropical rainforest. Journey through the flooded river floor, then up through the treetop canopy before venturing down to the understory and forest floor experiencing our amazing and wonderful animals every step of the way.

Take Photos Galore!
Have your camera ready to take stunning shots of yourself alongside some of our planet’s most protected animals, while learning all about the vital role they play in sustaining the eco-system.

Take The Video Home
You also have the option to request for your special animal encounters to be expertly filmed as an add-on service, so you can take a video home to show your friends and to forever remember your very special experience at The Green Planet.
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